Highlights from Musikfest 2023 Daily Livestreams (Part 2 of 2)
The second half of the highlights from our Daily Livestreams during Musikfest 2023! In addition to some great content, it can also be a cure for the post-fest blues!
During the livestream we share Picks of the Platz and updates on weather for that day, and then bring on a guest or two. We take the highlights from the interviews with those guests and share them here.
In This Episode
- Galen Deery of Mystik Fool performs “Shaman (Part2)”
- Joziah & TInk from the Slambovian Circus of Dreams
- Bren performs “Prom Dress”
- Meghan Laverty talks about being a manager of musicians
- The boys from Fox Royale perform “Panic Attacks”
- Jonathan and Philip from ARKAI perform “Patchwork”
- Rachel Ana Dobken performs “Acceptance”